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Showing posts from 2016
A work in raw progress. Foreword: In the 1980s we had to gather around a radio to enjoy music, not too unlike our oldest remembered ancestors. We all heard the same song together in the same moment in time - anywhere out there across the tawny, Los Angeles sound basin. That unique experience, endowed a communal affinity for its crackling hissing poetry, which now is gone with all the fleeting fury of the Santa Ana winds. "It's the all nite record man -- There's a man you should know who puts on a show Each nite at a radio station. When you're going to bed he gets up instead And he goes to his odd occupation. Stay Up Stan the all nite record man. Friend of every night owl music fan." "All nite long he's at his post To play the tunes you love the most Stay Up Stan the all nite record man. Send him a telegram name your favorite band He'll play you anything Bach to Dixieland. For every ten that criticize, a thousand others idoli